Dr Anita Kapoor is a renowned Indian Astrologer/Palmist/Tarot Card Reader. She had a lot of interest in learning Astrology, Palmistry, Gemology, Tarot Card Reading, Writing Books, Community Service & other such related issues like Spritualism from her childhood.

She has been a guidance in all important areas of life i.e. Career, Business, Finance, Love, Education, Property, Relationships, Success & Happiness, Marriage, Children, Partnership, Life Reading, Doshas & Bad effects of Evil Planets, Manglik etc. & many more.

Paying back her knowledge and gifted powers for the benefit of mankind. She has blessed thousands of people in India and US with her knowledge and skills. Now, she pledged to use her Powers & Services for the welfare of others and to solve problems through Remedies, Stone therepy, Mantras and Dhyan.

बचपन से ही लेखन, आध्यात्म, धर्म-कर्म व परोपकार में विशेष रुझान रहा है। विगत कई वर्षों से ज्योतिष, वास्तु, हस्तरेखा व टैरो कार्ड पद्दति में रुचि जागृत हुई, जिसके फलस्वरूप मान्यता प्राप्त संस्थानों से सभी विधाओं में उपाधियाँ प्राप्त की। उनके अनुभवों से इस क्षेत्र में समय-समय पर दिये गए परामर्शों से बड़ी संख्या में भारत और उसके बाहर के लोग लाभान्वित हो चुके हैं।



This highly specialized astrological application is very ancient. It deals with specific questions and replies with specific answers.

Making Horoscope

There is no doubt that astrology plays an important role in one’s life. It has been proven that the planets, Sun and Moon have significance in our life,


Birth time rectification is a procedure that is used in order to determine what time a person was born, when the birth time is unknown


Palmistry or chiromancy is the shaastra of characterization and foretelling the future through the study of the palm, also known


Tarot is called The Mirror of the Soul. It is an ancient divinatory art which uses 78 archetypal cards to represent past, present


Vastu is an ancient Indian shaastra of architecture and buildings which helps in making a congenial setting or a place to live and work